(Inter)nationale Wetenschappelijke Congressen
Juli 2023 | Seattle, WA, US
Symposium in Statistical and Quantitative Genetics
"Opt-in or out? Public opinion on the use of
forensic familial searching in Flanders"
Oktober 2022 | Leuven, Belgium
'Nature & Nurture' interdisciplinary
KEYNOTE "Genetics for Dummies"
Oktober 2022 | Kortrijk, Belgium
Zoology 2022
KEYNOTE "CSY: from Communicating Science to Crime Scene"
September 2022 | Washington DC, US
ISF22 / International Society for Forensic Genetics
"YMrCA: To improve Y-ancestor time estimation for
DNA kinship research"
Juli 2022 | Antwerp, Belgium
National Symposium for Applied Biology
KEYNOTE "CSY: from Citizen Science to Crime Scene"
Mei 2022 | Wenen, Oostenrijk
ESHG22 / European Human Genetics Conference
"Opt-in or out? Public opinion on the use of human genetics for forensic familial DNA searching"
September 2021 | Padova, Italy (on remote due to Covid)
New data for the new challenges of population and society - UPadova Conference
"To connect the present with the past: The genetics behind our ancestry revealed by the human Y-chromosome"
September 2019 | Prague, Czech Republic
ISFG19 / International Society for Forensic Genetics
"CSYseq: A panel-based MPS approach including 12,523 Y-chromosome polymorphisms"
► Awarded for "Best oral presentation" by both the public as the congress committee based on presentation clarity and outstanding scientific research quality
& Poster presentation "Validation of Y-ancestor time calculators for forensic familial searching"
Mei 2018 | Bydgoszcz, Poland
HM18 / Haploid Markers
"A game of hide and seq: Identification of parallel Y-STR mutations in deep-rooting pedigrees"
Oktober 2017 | Amsterdam, the Netherlands
4th CLHC Forensic PhD Symposiums
"New insights on human Y-chromosomal variation
for familial searching based on deep-rooted trees and MPS"